
What The Email You Didn’t Append Cost You

The email that you appended cost you $0.50. The email that you didn't append cost you $50,000. Don’t even venture to calculate the negative ROI. It would depress the best of us marketers to work this math. But then the story of most companies, retold in a myriad ways, runs a...

List Building to Email Appending, The Sales Cycle Mantra

Building your internal database and appending emails to them may seem like mutually inclusive processes but they are in fact two equally relevant and hugely connected processes that work towards the same goal. Both these processes form the backbone for the online pre-sales activity of the company. From prospecting to...

Opt-In vs Opt-Out – Email Appending

Email Appending is not just a mere business experimentation nowadays. It has become more of a necessity to a company's marketing initiatives and plans. Why has email appending become such a success in a company's business decisions? It’s because Email appending provides a much cheaper and faster alternative in exploring...

Building Industry Specific Prospect Data

Much has been spoken about the importance of maintaining a qualified repository of marketing data. But the most important part of managing this data is to organize it according to certain important criteria – the key being industry segment. Industry segments are classified on the basis of SIC (Standard Industry...

The Rationale of an Append Test

All my blogs have focused on the processes of email appending or list building and the beneficial effects of these on a company’s ROI. The basic idea of email appending or Custom List building is to provide a full fledged marketing list with all the necessary contact information for the...

Zen and the Art of Email Appending

Many summers ago, I found myself hooked to Robert Pirsig’s Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (along with a sizable population of the world) and couldn't help but wonder how simple metaphysical truths could have a correlation with automobiles. And a few summers down the road, when I stepped...

Charting Online Marketing Success with Email Appending

To say that the marketing universe is a populated landscape might be like stating the obvious. But in today’s context, this assumes more relevance than ever. Back in the day, when organizations’ spend big budgets on direct marketing channels alone, vendors had only direct lists to worry about. The 21st...

The Glorified Campaign Tool, E-marketing’s Trusted Backbone

Email Appending and List building processes can help companies get marketing lists that are complete and will serve their marketing needs. You might find this sentence shameless repeated in our previous, present and future blogs. And for good reason too. Let’s get around to the specifics then. In my previous...

The Art of Writing an Email

Email is among the most powerful communication tools in the world today. Email communication constitutes a fast, easy and convenient way of conveying your message to every nook and cranny of the globe. As the cost is only a fraction of the other conventional or nonconventional communication channels, emails are...

Top Email Marketing Terms for you to know

Every blog we write here attempts to help companies incorporate a much needed structure towards implementing their email campaign strategy. And a good starting point would be to get familiar with a set of keywords and phrases. This would not just help one in understanding the essentials of the campaign...