Author - David D

Email Append Primer

The Email Append Primer 101

Into our 13th year of business (we’re watching out for the number), having serviced a good number of clients across the spectrum, we still face the daunting prospect of educating our leads with the What’s and Why’s of Email Append. I guess that’s part of the job, something we love...

Email Marketing

Why Email Append is the Key to Email Marketing?

Technology has actually done a lot, not only for individual users, but also for business owners who have leveraged its power towards improving their productivity by a significant measure. With today’s advancements in the industry, the possibilities are limitless. In a world where companies forge partnerships through internet voice calls...

Business Email List

Top Reasons Why You Should Go for Custom Business Email List

It is essential for any business to have a dedicated pool of contacts from their target industry. This is why creating a custom business email list may come in handy, as it is works as a vital step in achieving a steady income stream from an email marketing program. The...

Email Appending –A New Way to Boost Your Profits In No Time

Email appending is the process of adding up mislaid email address of your clients as well as your prospects in your own in-house directory. If you’re not familiar with email append solutions, it is always wise to spend some time reading some details about it in order for you to...

Outsourced or In-House Data Appending – What Works Best for You?

The success of your business has so much to do with how you keep the records of your customers. Information like this is proven to be extremely vital, particularly if you belong to an industry wherein you need to be more proactive in seeking out your customers for them to...

Email or Content Marketing – The Social Class Equation

I’m clearly not going to pit one with the other. There are countless apologists for either, but in this age and time, if you want to be counted as Downton Abbey aristocracy and still score big, turn the way of content. If you want to be a Happy Endings type pragmatist...

Why your Business needs Email Appending?

If you are an entrepreneur, you must have been told endless times about how you must make email appendage an integral part of your marketing strategy. You must have been told how you should plan the entire process from finding a reliable provider of the email append data to actually...

List Building to Email Appending, The Sales Cycle Mantra

Building your internal database and appending emails to them may seem like mutually inclusive processes but they are in fact two equally relevant and hugely connected processes that work towards the same goal. Both these processes form the backbone for the online pre-sales activity of the company. From prospecting to...

Opt-In vs Opt-Out – Email Appending

Email Appending is not just a mere business experimentation nowadays. It has become more of a necessity to a company's marketing initiatives and plans. Why has email appending become such a success in a company's business decisions? It’s because Email appending provides a much cheaper and faster alternative in exploring...

The Glorified Campaign Tool, E-marketing’s Trusted Backbone

Email Appending and List building processes can help companies get marketing lists that are complete and will serve their marketing needs. You might find this sentence shameless repeated in our previous, present and future blogs. And for good reason too. Let’s get around to the specifics then. In my previous...