Data Append – The Complete Direct Marketing Solution

Posted by: Steve D Category: Data Append

Data Append – The Complete Direct Marketing Solution

In a world where your data decides on how successful you are, it is only pertinent to ask yourself how much of importance you are imparting to your data. Let’s take the example of your marketing data, the backbone of your strategy. Every campaign plan that you lay out is hugely dependent on the quality of this data. So it is a given that you do everything you can ensure that this data is complete in every respect, not to mention accurate and credible.

So after all the effort you put in to your list generation strategies, how do you go about with maximizing the returns out this lists. Data Append is the keyword you are looking for – a one shot solution to keep your lists complete and in order. Just like email append, data append follows a similar structure in its execution, but it’s much more challenging to match strings of data that contain text fields, numbers and special characters. You may think that a simple research may yield better results. Fair enough, consider the turnaround time and accuracy when the append goes beyond address and phone numbers; when it comes to appending specific fields like NAICS, DUNS #, Revenue, Market Capitalization. A backend append match driven process work ideally in addition to background research, especially for large volumes of data.

A data append service requires more than just a company that can append. It needs a company that understand what exactly constitutes this process and then follows it up with a specialized implementation. AppendSolutions® understands the pain points and the solutions to help you complete your list and make it accurate, so you can run a series of direct marketing and telemarketing campaigns, not to mention garner the market intelligence that you require to strategize on them.

Data Append – The Complete Direct Marketing Solution

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