Yearly Archives - 2013

Extra Reach through your Existing Marketing List

Let the obvious be stated for starters; Online Marketing is now an integral part of most companies’ marketing strategy. As mentioned in my previous blogs, all components of online marketing provides for fast, secure and highly cost-effective ways of interactive communication. With increased focus being currently accorded to tracking, measurement...

Why Email Appending helps you get more Success than Buying a New Email List

There are bulk email lists and then some. In a sincere attempt to expand your reach, these may be the little guys you turn to with the firm hope that they bring you some amazing leads. Reality Check – It just does not happen. A bulk email list or an off...

Email Appending: Down the Memory Lane

A new marketing list is most prerequisite of a company for all its marketing initiatives. In order to explore newer avenues of lead generation and sales, a company has to have a continuous influx of newer and fresher data to their already existing database. To have a new marketing list,...

Email Appending Vs Acquisition of New Contacts with Emails

If you are not familiar with the term Email Append, it is a process that helps you communicate with a larger number of customers in your database through email marketing, even if you do not currently have their email address. Through email append an email address can be added to...