Opt-In vs Opt-Out – Email Appending

Posted by: David D Category: Email Append

Opt-In vs Opt-Out – Email Appending

Email Appending is not just a mere business experimentation nowadays. It has become more of a necessity to a company’s marketing initiatives and plans. Why has email appending become such a success in a company’s business decisions? It’s because Email appending provides a much cheaper and faster alternative in exploring newer business avenues than the other conventional methods available in the market. but that does not mean that email appending can be used and abused in every possible way. The process of Email Appending completes a company’s marketing database by adding a new dimension to it – Email Addresses. But what will a marketing team do with the email addresses? They cannot just send solicitation or advertisements to these newly acquired emails. This is against the CAN – Spam law.

In this case the company has to follow a set emailing guidelines and the two most important terms are – Opt-In and Opt -Out. The emails acquired by email appending may not want any kind of business communication sent to them or may choose to accept what kind of solicitation or communication they might want to receive. Whenever a new list of email addresses are acquired, an introductory email is sent to the list asking permission to establish a mode of business communication via email.

Opt-In: In this process, the introductory emails sent to the email contacts gives them an option to opt to receive further email communication from the sender. If there i no reply from any of the email contact then it is accepted that the contact does not wish to receive any further email communication. The contacts who reply back ar marked as Opt-Ins and wish to be contacted via email in the future.

Opt-Out: This process is just opposite to the Opt-In process. Here the contact has to reply in case he wants to Opt-Out from receiving any further email communication. The contacts who do not reply to the introductory email are automatically considered as contacts willing to receive further email communication from the sender.

AppendSolutions® provides top of the line Custom Business Email Lists based on the target specification of companies and offers 100% delivery guarantees. The lists are developed on a one time basis or on a continuous engagement model based on how companies choose to manage their prospect building initiatives.

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